Sons of Special Correspondents
We've made an effort to upgrade the overall production values on the show this year. Sometimes it's not terribly apparent, but this week I think it is. With the self-congratulations out of the way we've got a fun show complete with a strange guest spot to update us on Urban Meyer and of course game picks.
And no the special guest is not Tre Turner, I just really love that photo from the great Zach Lantz.
Additionally, there's a lot of yelling and wild gesturing. It's the kind of thing that makes you wonder, "Why though?"
Take a gander at this week's Justin Cates Show and ruminate on some existential wisdom from coach Saban below. Have a great weekend and enjoy the games!
Saban getting deep during his radio show. "You are a speck in time situated between the past and the future."
— John Talty (@JTalty) October 8, 2021