2020 Season Round Table | Special Guest: Josh Parcell
As of September 1st, 2020, it sure is starting to look like we are going to get to watch some football! This week kicks off our initiative to make sure YOU have all the information you need ahead of the season. We start this content train with a repeat guest and WFNZ broadcaster Josh Parcell. We start with a roster review. Who's still here? Who's out the door? Who is poised for a breakout campaign this fall?
After that we take a 10,000 foot view of the schedule. No sense in trying to predict winners 10 weeks out (especially this year) so we talk storylines and keys to success.
To bring us home, we play some popcorn! We kick this off with the "Homefield Hot Takes" where the gang gives their juiciest predictions ahead of the season. Rapid fire also takes a different form this week in the form of "what if's" and some other questions that the group debates.

Be sure to check out Josh on WFNZ weekdays from 2-7 on the Wilson Parcell Show. You can also follow him on twitter (@JoshParcell).