A sit down with the Plaid Avenger! | Special Guest: Professor John Boyer
Pat and Bill are joined by Virginia Tech teaching LEGEND Professor John Boyer. Professor Boyer is likely best known among the Virginia Tech community from either his World Regions class, Geography of wine class, or the Plaid wrapped Scion that cruses around Blacksburg.

In our sit down we discuss several topics including his lifetime of teaching and philosophy... 'Make it accessible, and make it relevant". Other topics include:
What impact has social media had on news, young minds, and society as a whole?
In 2020, technology is as advanced as it has ever been. Advancements and improvements to different aspects of the "Human Experience" have gotten better and better. Despite all of that, why is it so difficult to find accurate information and try to inform yourself and develop your own opinions rooted in facts?
The Blacksburg Wine Lab

In this episode we also discuss The Blacksburg Wine Lab! Located on 223 Gilbert Street right in Blacksburg, this establishment serves as a wine-focused community space where professors, students, locals, and everyone in between come to dine and enjoy a wide variety of wine! It is a unique concept that has become a great spot to visit any time you are in Blacksburg (#SonsofSupportLocalBusiness!). Check out their Website or shoot them a follow on Facebook.